

The harsh reality of being disabled - by Katherine Behl

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The reality.  It’s sobering when you think of the practical implications of this on a lived experience basis. 

We are not an inclusive and disability friendly society in the UK as much as we convince ourselves we are. 

The reality is that you can change your child or adult relative on the floor of a dirty bathroom or not at all or just don’t go out. 

It wouldn’t be acceptable to have no baby changing places; there would be an outcry. Somehow, it’s acceptable for so many in society to not be valued in the same way. 

For a fact, it is pretty easy to change a baby’s nappy in any situation without a baby changing facility. It is not for older children or adults. 

And if you have to change them on a dirty floor on a big mat, then the reality of lifting a grown person off the floor back into their mobility chair is just not practical. 

I refuse to change my daughter on the floor of a bathroom. But the reality is that it is acceptable for society. 

Photo by Lady Romy Ozu on Unsplash

Please support changing places. In Scotland, any new buildings must have them. There is a drive for portable changing places, which is great, but it is sometimes not practical to go to the end of a car park in the freezing cold as the toilet next to you can’t accommodate your loved one. 

How many of our medical institutions, colleges, and healthcare facilities have changing places? 

It’s one of the many, many battles that those living with disabilities or families caring for those with disabilities have to navigate daily. 

The hidden cost of living with disabilities in a society where they aren’t truly valued as equals. Disabled toilets are not accessible for many people with disabilities that need changing places. 

Yes, they cost a lot, but isn’t it something we should all be pushing for to ensure dignity and respect for so many whose voices aren’t heard?

Photo by WellBeingLab on Unsplash

Why don't you take action? If you are a disabled charity or know one that can support, join in and SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN 

Changing Places

Source: Facebook Link

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